ClipGrab - Downloading Youtube Videos Is Easy Now
Though Youtube doesn't let us download the videos officially, it is not that hard to download them using various standalone applications, browser extensions, scripts and online services. (Take a look at a previous Funsurf post to know more aboutdownloading Youtube videos via Greasemonkey script in Firefox). Here is a tiny cross-platform application ClipGrab, that makes downloading those videos and converting them to a suitable format much easier. To download a video, just paste the link in proper field, select the format and quality you want and grab it.
Not only Youtube, ClipGrab let you download videos from some other sites like Clipfish, Collegehumor, Dailymotion, MyVideo, MySpass, Sevenload, Tudou, Vimeo etc. officially. The videos can be converted to other video formats like mp4, wmv, OGG theora and audio format like mp3 and OGG vorbis.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:clipgrab-team/ppa
Then run this command to install the application.sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install clipgrab
To install it in Windows, download the .exe file.
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