Webmaster and search engine optimizer have been using Blog Commenting to build targeted backlinks to their web pages are to their blogs. There are lots of Majestic SEO Strategies that would help build huge back links, but commenting on blogs is the most popular one these days.

Dofollow links shares page rank, which will help in getting increase in pagerank of your blog or webpage page. NoFollow links bring only a back link, Google might consider it, but can’t share the page rank, the Google never provide value to NoFollow links but consider it in Search Engine result pages, if the comment is useful and gets lots of hits to the webpage. Here is a video about NoDofollow, Matt Cuts explains about how Google consider No and DoFollow links.
While commenting on a blog you should follow the follow steps, so that it would look natural not spam comments.
Real Name: Give your real name, it provides an impression to blog owners to see your comment as authentic and valuable, the way to do this is to use your name. If you write a valuable comment there is a chance your name may get popular in your niche. May bloggers use to put their primary target keywords in the name column, thinking to get a back links, and your comment doesn’t have a very good chance of getting approved.
Select Niche Related Blogs: Always choose those blogs for commenting that relate to the niche you have chosen for your website. The real reason for this is that relevant backlinks carry a lot more weight than backlinks that are random. This does not mean, however, that you should stop yourself from commenting on posts that aren’t in your target market; if you know about the topic and are interested in it, you should definitely leave a comment. Apart from that, every backlink that you get, regardless of the niche, will count in some way or the other.
Provide Good Sources & References: A valuable source can help a comment get approved more quickly than others. If you can offer up a link to a reference point elsewhere, there is no reason for your comment to get deleted. It will help the readers and is the best way to be genuine and sound authentic. You’ll get far more respect form blog owners, when you put some effort to create lots of value.
Use Hyperlink In The Comment Text: Provide a hyperlink in the comment text, chose your target keyword phrase and write a hyper link making your keyword as your anchor text. The anchor text will direct a links to your blog or webpage. For example, lets take “SEO Freelance” is your target keywords Phrase, then the best way to write a hyperlink is
SEO Freelance
How to identify NoFollow and DoFollow links:
There are two ways to find out NoFollwo, Dofollow links, one is a manual check like if your approved links code is likeDofollow
The second way to find it, is to install an addon for firefox. Just type “NoDofollow addons for firefox or chrome in Google and you will get the link. This is the NoDofollow link Link To Download NoDoFollow Addons for Firefox. A great way to quickly see nofollow/dofollow links would be to install the SEO for Firefox plugin; once activated nofollow links will be highlighted in red. Remember the NoDofollow addon is not compitable for forefox 4.0, install it for firefox 3.6. For chrome follow this link Link To Download NoDoFollow Addons for Chrome
You should be as practical as you can in your approach. In summation, this article clearly shows you just how to make the most out of do-follow blogs; you need to comment on them correctly and put a lot of effort into having those comments approved. Slowly and steadily you will be able to create lots of back links to your own site so make sure that your comments get approved. Do not underestimate how powerful blog commenting can be if you do the work and take our advice.
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