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Monday, August 1, 2011

HTML5 Tags: An Overview

<article>Defines an article
<aside>Defines content aside from the page content
<audio>Defines sound content
<canvas>Defines graphics
<command>Defines a command button
<datalist>Defines a dropdown list
<details>Defines details of an element
<dialog>Defines a dialog (conversation)
<figure>Defines a group of media content, and their caption
<footer>Defines a footer for a section or page
<header>Defines a header for a section or page
<hgroup>Defines information about a section in a document
<keygen>Defines a generated key in a form
<mark>Defines marked text
<meter>Defines measurement within a predefined range
<nav>Defines navigation links
<output>Defines some types of output
<progress>Defines progress of a task of any kind
<rp>Used in ruby annotations to define what to show browsers that to not support the ruby element.
<rt>Defines explanation to ruby annotations.
<ruby>Defines ruby annotations.
<section>Defines a section
<source>Defines media resources
<time>Defines a date/time
<video>Defines a video
<acronym>Not supported in HTML 5.
<applet>Not supported in HTML 5.
<basefont>Not supported in HTML 5.
<big>Not supported in HTML 5.
<center>Not supported in HTML 5.
<dir>Not supported in HTML 5.
<font>Not supported in HTML 5.
<frame>Not supported in HTML 5.
<frameset>Not supported in HTML 5.
<noframes>Not supported in HTML 5.
<s>Not supported in HTML 5.
<strike>Not supported in HTML 5.
<tt>Not supported in HTML 5.
<u>Not supported in HTML 5.
<xmp>Not supported in HTML 5.


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